
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Heart Day

Happy Valentine's Day!!!
We started our day with Valentine goodies waiting for the boys!! Having kids makes holidays so much fun...I love to spoil them!! But I know I'm also creating sweet little memories that they will hopefully remember!

Levi's goodies!! 
(Side-note...have you seen these new Fisher Price baby books?! They are precious!)

Lane's goodies! 
He is really into these "Storybook Collection" books! He has all the superhero ones and some Disney ones. He loves for me to read them to him! I saw this Power Ranger one and knew he had to have it! And of course some chocolate!!

Sleepy face Lane checking it out!

And look what my little one went for first...yes the chocolate!! We may or may not have let him eat ONE with his breakfast!! Hey how could we say no to this sweet, happy face!?

Lane has been paying special attention to cards recently! 

Levi showing bubba his Jake card!

And daddy had these out waiting for me this morning!!! Wine and Roses...a perfect pair!!!

I love these TWO to pieces!!
 When we got home we delivered some goodies to our neighbors, grabbed dinner at Fuzzy's, got baths, and about to read their new books before bed!! Wouldn't want to spend my Valentine's any other way! Well maybe the whole work thing, but he...gotta do whatcha gotta do!!
And as for my main Valentine....this is our 13th Valentines together!! Crazy! So lucky to have him!!
Hope everyone's day was full of LOVE!!!

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