
Friday, November 12, 2010

A Battery Fixes Everything

Lane cracks me up every singe day at the funny little things that comes out of his little mouth! Since this blog will eventually be in a blog book I wanted to jot this down so I will have it to look back on! Like I said, my little man is hilarious. Take this funny little story...
A while back Lane was playing with a new toy, a Thomas the Train train. He let it run all over the place so naturally it ran out of batteries. Frustrated, he came to me.."mommy mommy, Thomas stopped"...and I try to explain to him that he left it on too long and it had run out of batteries. Well being a two year old he really didn't understand this battery thing. I kept on telling him we needed to wait and daddy would bring home some batteries and fix it. So we did wait, and daddy did bring home some batteries, and magically Thomas worked! And Lane was happy!
So fast forward to Monday night....I was doing stuff around the house and Lane wanted to watch Dora on the computer ( So I propped him up and got it started. About five minutes or so later I hear "OH NO mom...Dora stopped". So I go in there and see a black screen with the words buffering on it and it was stuck. I said "Oh no Lane it's not working anymore!" To which he said "Yea, need get some batteries"!!
Again on another night, he was playing with a small Woody boot that originally came with a small snake in it, and you push this lever and the snake popped out. Well the snake has long disappeared and the lever was broke. He came to me distraught telling me to "fix it fix it" which I said "Lane I can't it's broke". And then yes..."It's okay, get some batteries!! Hilarious!! I couldn't help but just crack up!
I love to see his little mind working and making these connections! At least he is problem solving!!

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