I think from the minute they hear the words "It's a Boy", daddy's everywhere immediately think of the day their son will put on a jersey and begin playing sports, whatever sport that may be! Well for us that day is here!!
I never thought it would be at age 3, but the KYA League has what they call Blastball for 3 and 4 year olds. And seeing how my son is obsessed with baseball, and he knows the game itself very well, we thought it would be perfect for him! And he is the only boy in his class at school, so we thought this would give him some much needed boy interaction!! He needs to be rough and tumble some right, ha!?
So Lane's very first team EVER is the.....
the A's!!!
This past Thursday they had their first practice. There was no way I wasn't going to be there snapping pics to document his first organized team practice!
We had been talking to him about his team and playing, so when I picked him up Thursday and told him he had practice he was beyond excited. He is so particular when it comes to baseball. He immediately told me he wanted to wear his Ranger jersey and basbeall pants. After much persuading I got him to nix the pants! Whenever he plays he has to get out his: glove, bat, ball, helmet, batting gloves, and base!! Crazy huh!? And yes he wanted to take it ALL!!! Again after some talking, I got him to only take his glove and batting gloves!!
Here is he, decked out I may add, ready to go to practice!
Practice went great! Including Lane, there are six boys on the team! Three are four and tall, and the other three and three and smaller! Lane and Reed are tied for the shortest, but that's okay, we knew he would be the smallest and youngest! They all did so good! The coach asked for all "hands on deck" so the daddys who were there helped out! They covered running the bases, hitting off the tee, and how to ground a ball (alligator chomp!) Here are the boys in action....
Paul was trying to show Lane how to "take a knee"!
Running the base
Look at that little smile!!
Lane and Reed losing focus! Won't be the last time I'm sure!
My big boy throwing the ball!
Hitting...and making contact!
Running all the bases!
All in all practice went great! They did better than I thought they would! Games will be hilarious I'm sure!
So here is to the beginning of life with kids in sports!!! Bring on the FUN!