
Monday, September 20, 2010

8 Week Bumpdates!!

OK, so I technically hit the 8 week mark on Saturday, however I was out of town this weekend and yesterday, well yesterday I was completely out of it, so here is my 8 week post! I thought I would start at 8 weeks and post about every four weeks or so!
Rough is a mild word to describe the last eight weeks! It's been a long and draining eight weeks and I am so ready for this stage to be over! The first go round with Lane I was very tired, however no morning sickness and not even any nausea. This time I have been tired all right, even more so I feel like, and I've had a steady case of nausea almost every single day. I guess I should be grateful for not actually being sick, but man I don't know which is worse! I just hope this decides to stop soon! I have been pretty worthless at home! Thank goodness Lane has been in Waco for the past two weekends, where he has been getting all the attention he needs!
So here is my eight week belly pic! I am definitely feeling a little poochy! I've heard every mom say this happens quicker and it surely has! My pants are already getting a bit snug! Oh well, just one of the joys of pregnancy!
I want to include Lane in my updates, and tonight he was willing to participate! Let's hope he stays that way! (Oh and please notice his chin...yea that's a different story!)
He was trying to kiss the baby, but wouldn't get down far enough!
And then he wanted to give me a sweet!

I read a girl's blog who does "bump"dates instead of updates and uses a cute little picutre and I thought it was too cute, so I kinda borrowed the idea!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 8 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby F is the size of a Raspberry!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Well we don't have a scale, so not sure how much I've gained from when I found out till now. However, crazy note, I weighed in at the EXACT same weight as I did on my very first doctors appointment with Lane! So at least I'm starting at the same 8 week weight!
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but probably coming sooner than I'd like!
Gender: Not sure but can't wait to find out!
Movement: None so far
Sleep: Great
What I miss: Caffeine, mainly coffee!
Cravings: Nothing in particular right now, but when I think of something I want, I have to have it!
Symptoms: No actual sickness but constant nauseous.
Best Moment this week: Getting to see and hear Baby F!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1st Appointment!

Well, today we had our first prenatal appointment...and its officially official...I am having a baby!! I hate the long eight week wait, but it was worth it today! After my regular exam with my doctor, we went to have a little look, and this is little Furr #2....

Already so precious!! He or She had a very strong heartbeat at 155! Sadly, I did not write down what Lane's was at his first appointment to compare, but I think it may have been a bit faster. That was the sound I have been dying to hear and it was awesome!
When we got home we of course showed Lane the pic and he was not the least bit interested, ha! But later tonight while he was watching Toy Story I tried again and here he was...
Such a fake smile cause mamma was interrupting his movie! But he is starting to understand a little...he's hearing this "baby" word alot these days, and he actually does know where the baby is and gives it kisses at night!
What a great day!! We feel so blessed and can't wait to meet our new little Furr on.....
APRIL 30, 2011!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

September Book Pick

I'm so behind on posting this! I usually do it around the first, before I read it! Now here I am three days before book club, and only about half way through! I started it yesterday and it's pretty god so far...just a little heavy. But anyway, reading, or doing much of anything for that matter is a challege for me these days! But I will get this read by Thursday!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Coen

I realized tonight while looking through pics, I never posted about our qick trip down to Houston a couple of weekends ago for my nephew Coen's 3rd birthday party!! So I am playing catch up!
Like I said we took a very fast and furious trip to Houston. This was Lane for most of the trip down! He does so well on trips...he watches movies over and over and then he does this! Oh and those head sets are wonderful!! I can only take hearing Buzz and Woody so much!
We got there almost right as the party was about to begin. It was at Jumpin Jungle, and I knew that Lane would have a blast there seeing how he loves to jump!! We had a private room with four huge inflatable jumpers. This one had a slide.
I'm pretty sure he liked it!!
And another had an obstacle course
Daddy had a little fun as well!
Then Lane found this one. A jumper complete with two basketball goals inside. He was in heaven and did not leave that one for the rest of the time!!
After jumping he went into another room for cake and is the birthday boy!
That night we all went back to Holly's. Here are the boys on tricycles. I think its funny that Lane wanted to wear a helmet!!

Then Holly had a pinata for the little ones...mainly Lane, Coen and some neighborhood friends. Uncle Taylor got it ready...
And Lane wasted no time taking a swing!! He was like an old pro!!

And he also wasted no time getting candy! HA!

We ended the night in a swanky Houston hotel..thanks Andy for the hook-up...but unfortunately did  not take one pic there! Oh well...we had a great time and was glad we were able to make it down!

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Details

I still can't believe that I'm going to have another baby!! Tomorrow I will be six weeks! The eight week wait for my first doctor's appointment is brutal! I know I'm pregnant, however I just wanna hear and see my little love for it to seem really real! I can't believe our family will be going from three to four in nine short months!
So now to how we found out our new little one was on it's way! Paul and I always said we wanted our kids three years apart, so our plan was to start trying in August...I wanted to have the baby closer to the end of the school year so I could have a nice long summer break.  Even though I knew I could be, I'll admit that I in no way thought I was pregnant, but mid-August rolled around and it was time to test and see. So one afternoon after a long day of inservice, I took one...waited...and waited...and then went to check and there it was...a yes!! I couldn't believe it!
I couldn't wait to tell Paul. I had about an hour before he would be getting home from work. So I thought I would whip up a cute sign, but we were out of printer ink. So I pulled out my scrapbook stash, found some stickers and made this sign. I taped it to the dresser mirror in our room, because he always goes in there to change when he gets home! HOWEVER...on this particular day, he walked through the door with a smile on his face and a card in his hand. He said he got me I opened the card and it was a sweet thank you card for taking care of him when he had surgery, and inside was a $50 Starbucks card (b/c I am addicted to tall Vanilla Lattes and get one almost every day on my way to school!) It was so sweet and thoughtful, but inside I was dying because I knew I couldn't use it after all! I was eager to get him to go to the room, and he finally did...he turned on the light and once he made his way to the dresser and saw it, he turned around, smiled and said "What...No way"!
After lost of hugs, we told Lane! He acted like he understood but doesn't really have a clue!
After a couple of days, I couldn't hold it in any longer...I had to tell someone. And seeing how my mom lives in North Carolina, I knew I wouldn't be able to tell her in person. So I sent her an email with this attachment! We also sent it to my sister, Paul's sister, and Paul's mom! All were caught off guard until they finally realized what the shirt said!
I have read enough mommy blogs out there to know that the second pregnancy flies by, so I want to really try to take it day by day and enjoy it as well as enjoying Lane, seeing how his only child days are numbered! We are so thankful, excited, and can't wait to see who is going to join our family this Spring!